Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kenapa Saya Setuju dengan MCA Bahawa Perlembagaan Perlu Dipinda

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Pengerusi Biro Undang-Undang Pemuda MCA, Eric Choo Wei Sern yang mahu perlembagaan dipinda untuk membenarkan Ibu DAN Bapa diberi hak yang sama untuk menukarkan agama seorang anak jika anak itu belum berumur 18 tahun. 

Didalam perlembagaan sekarang, hanya Bapa sahaja yang diberi kuasa/boleh untuk menukar agama seorang anak dan ini boleh dilakukan tanpa persetujuan seorang ibu. Bagi saya, tindakan ini adalah tidak tepat kerana dalam membesarkan seorang anak, ibu DAN bapa memainkan peranan yang penting, oleh itu kedua-dua mereka harus diberi hak yang sama untuk menentukan agama anak mereka.

Please take note, bagi anak yang dilahirkan oleh pasangan yang sama agama, contohnya keluarga Islam, anak itu masih beragama Islam dan saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan arrangement sebegini. 


The MCA has called for constitutional changes to allow conversion of religion involving children only when both parents agree to it.

“Conversion of religion of any child shall be mutually agreed upon by both the parents until the child attains the age of 18,” MCA Youth legal bureau chairman Eric Choo Wei Sern (pic) said.

He suggested that Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution be amended to prevent a father from converting the religion of his child unilaterally.

He also recommended Article 121 or Article 121(1A) be amended to empower the civil courts to resolve disputes and issues involving marriages, regardless of the religion of the couples.

“It is improper and incorrect for the Syariah courts to have jurisdiction over such cases where the marriage was initially entered into under the civil law,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

Choo was commenting on the Muslim bride who was detained midway through a Hindu marriage ritual by officers of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) on June 1.

He described the action as “deplorable, totally uncalled for and should be vehemently objected to”.

He said bride-to-be Zarena Abdul Majid had taken “all possible avenues and efforts” to clarify she was a practising Hindu although her father had converted to Islam allegedly without the knowledge of the family and had registered Zarena and her brother as Muslims.

He called on the Federal Government to step in and resolve the matter amicably.

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