Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Now @dyanasmd Admits UiTM provides Quality & Affordable Education to The Malays #PRKTelukIntan

UiTM provides affordable, quality education to the Malays
I would like to thank Dyana Sofya, the DAP candidate for #PRKTelukIntan for endorsing and confirming the success of the Barisan Nasional government efforts in further improving UiTM to provide quality and affordable education to the Malays. This is a far cry from the malicious and insidious remarks that UiTM has seen from DAP Member of Parliament's this past few years. 

I refer to Dyana Sofya statement [HERE] where she mention, i quote:

'Sometime last year, I proposed in an interview that a similar institution like UiTM, which provides affordable, quality education to the Malays, be established for the non-Malays"

The statement by Dyana Sofya also confirms that the policies of Barisan Nasional, in providing funds and cheap access to education for the Malay majority Malaysians has been a success until according to Dyana it has to be replicated for the Non-Malays. However, why is Dyana Sofya contradicting herself? First she wants UiTM to be opened to Non - Malays, but then in the same article she wants another "UiTM" for the non-malays? Is this not racist?

It is a pity that a student who has been successful due to in some part, the policies of the government is now attacking it and wants it to change. As i always said again and again, change is inevitable but is it a change for the better or worse? That nobody can confirm. However, as we are all aware Dyana Sofya has been adamant of wanting education to NOT BE RACE BASED and i am fine with it. My question is, why is she also not proposing for vernacular schools to be abolished? Is it not that vernacular schools are sowing distrust and racial polarization of Malaysians at a very young age?

The ball is in your court Dyana and will you be willing to give a statement proposing for all vernacular schools to be abolished? 

P/S : There is no Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Melayu) in Malaysia ya, we only have SJK (Cina) and SJK (Tamil).. 

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