Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) & It's Functions Cc @aduanSPAD

I have written a few articles previously related to Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Darat (SPAD) Malaysia.I think most people would like to know what is the function of SPAD, basically what do they do and why do we need them. To obtain information about SPAD, you can visit their website at . However, let me brief you a little bit about them:

SPAD functions is divided into three (3) units i.e. 

1. Policy Making
2. Enforcement 
3. Acts and Subsidiary Legislations

Policy Making

Now, policy making under SPAD is basically SPAD through its Policy, Planning and Research Division, will try to propose people friend policies which is related to public transport. In short, making land public transport  safe, accessible, cheap and convenient so that it will benefit the rakyat. 

Some of the success of this division has been the National Public Transport Policy and Greater Kuala Lumpur / Klang Valley Public Transport Master Plan. Now, from the master plans that was developed, the public has managed to enjoy perks such as the free Go KL buses, which ply its trade around Kuala Lumpur.  


Before i start, i would appreciate if you could have a look at the video above. That is what SPAD enforcement officers go through when they do their checks. As per the Land Public Transport Act 2010, SPAD has the powers to inspect public transport and freight vehicles to ensure that they are road worthy, and have valid licenses and other documents; inspection of drivers, conductors and co-drivers to ensure that they are fit; inspection of travel tickets; and the clamping down on touting and soliciting.

In a way, SPAD enforcement officers are our safety barriers, where with consistent enforcement of drivers and vehicles, accidents can be avoided thus saving public lives. 

Acts and Subsidiary Legislations

Besides having to propose policies and enforcement, SPAD is also the authority on and Act & Legistlation for land transport. The current Acts and Subsidary Legistlation that has been passed by Parliament is as below:

Well, that;s all i have today with regards to SPAD. I think they are doing a good job but it can be improved further to ensure that the well being, safety and comfort of all Malaysian and tourist who uses land public transport is well taken care of. Insyallah. 

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