Friday, April 11, 2014

[PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT] @MyRapidKL : Closure of KL Monorail for The Weekend

Dear Readers,

This is a public announcement. The KL Monorail system will be closed for the weekend, starting on the 12th - 13th April 2014. The reason for the closure is to facilitate the upgrading of the Monorail signalling system. As most of you are aware, the current batch of monorails (2 cars) will be replaced with the 4-car monorail system. 

This means that Rapid KL will be able to increase the volume of passengers who will be using the monorail system by 100%. This in turn will help people like you and me who uses public transport to commute to work. Once fully commissioned, the new 4-car trains will also get us to work faster as our waiting time for each train will be cut into half. I hope you understand the maths behind this though. Anyway, take care and have a good weekend. Remember, the Monorail will be CLOSED!

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