Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Now @tm_insider Wants our Airforce to Reveal Its Capability & Assets

Opposition news portal,  The Malaysian Insider is at it again. This morning it came up with an article titled "The meltdown of Malaysian institutions" where it belittled and condemned the capability of our Civil Service, Judiciary,  Government Agencies and last but not least the Royal Malaysian Airforce (RMAF). 

In the article itself The Malaysian Insider took the opportunity to ask some sensitive questions about :

● The standard operating procedure (SOP) of our Airforce
● The strength of our assets
● The capability of our military radar and so on. 

Now, as I said and I questioned many times, why is The Malaysian Insider so interested in our military assets and SoP? These information are all classified as part of the government's security mechanism to protect the country sovereignty.  

I don't know who The Malaysian Insider is working with, be it arms dealers, defence company or whatnot but I hope this opposition portal puts the country's interest above its own. Note that even countries with mature democracy such as the United Kingdom,  United States of America and Australia keeps its military information classified.  What is so special with The Malaysian Insider that the government has to "kowtow" to it.?

The Kuala Lumpur Chronicle


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