Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why is @anwaribrahim So Stupid? #Kajang #KLChronicle

I just took some time out today to read through the news from opposition news portal and look what i found. Contradicting statements by opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim and Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Bin Ibrahim. You know, if the news was from say The Star, the opposition supporters would have been foaming saying that it is all a lie by the print media. 

You see, on March 1, 2014 Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the Menteri Besar of Selangor who had signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Government clarified that the MOU is "Binding" and "Irrevocable". To those of you who do not know what Binding and Irrevocable means, here is the definition:

  1. 1.
    tie or fasten (something) tightly.
    "floating bundles of logs bound together with ropes"
    synonyms:tie (up), fasten (together), hold together, secure, make fast, attach;

  1. 1.
    not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.
    "an irrevocable step"

Ok, since know you know what Binding amd Irrevocable means, look at the statement by the "world's greatest leader" Anwar Ibrahim. On March 4, 2014 Anwar Ibrahim made a press statement where he said "Selangor water deal not cast in stone". For those who do not understand what "deal not cast in stone means", here is the definition:

Not carved/cast in stone

If a suggestion, plan, rule, etc. is not carved in stone, it can be changed:

These proposals are not for discussion, they're carved in stone.

By now, i hope you have already understood that the statement by both Anwar and Khalid sons of Ibrahim is clearly contradicting each other:

khalid says : The MoU cannot be changed
Anwar says: The MoU can be changed

The question is, who do we believe? Anwar or Khalid? Anyway all the best to the people of Kajang, you guys are going to vote in the next Menteri Besar of Selangor, who in fact staged a coup on the current Menteri Besar from his OWN party. This is unprecedented before even in UMNO and Barisan Nasional. Ha ha.. 

To the people of Selangor, you people had one of the best Menteri Besar in Khalid, who was liked by the people and the Sultan of Selangor. He did his job well, won by a bigger majority but then unfortunately was ousted by the people of his own party, who have no locus standi whatsoever in Selangor [Read Rafizi Ramli & Anwar Ibrahim]. 

In the end, the Rakyat is fucked as always, no water, no MOU but a world class new Menteri Besar. LOL!

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