Thursday, March 13, 2014

#PrayForMH370 : Press briefing on flight #MH370 – @HishammuddinH20

We are now entering day 5 of the search for flight MH370.

My heart reaches out to the families of the passengers and crew. I give you my assurance that we will not reduce the tempo, or spare any efforts to find the missing plane.

The search has been expanded to two areas.

We are now searching nearly 27,000 square nautical miles: 12,425 square nautical miles in the Straits of Malacca, and 14,440 square nautical miles in the South China Sea.

42 ships and 39 aircraft have now been deployed to search for MH370. 12 countries have joined the search, with India, Japan and Brunei being the latest to join.

This is a multinational operation. We are thankful for the cooperation of our friends and neighbours, and we welcome all expert assistance.

The way forward now is to bring more experts in to analyse both civilian and military data; in the East or the West, on land or water – and this is exactly what we are doing today.

We are now working with many experts, including from Boeing, the US Federal Aviation Authority, and the US National Transport Safety Board helping with the investigation.


Turn back
When the PM ordered the search area expanded on Saturday, and no trace of the aircraft had been found, we examined our military radar records for the new search area.

We discovered the possibility that MH370 had passed over to the Straits of Malacca. We then dispatched ships and aircraft to search the new area.

Even if there is the slight possibility that MH370 passed over the Straits of Malacca, we decided it was imperative to extend the search to this area.

Vietnam relations
We are working closely with the Vietnamese authorities. As far as we are concerned the co-operation has been very good.

We have already requested permission for Malaysian craft to search Vietnamese areas of responsibility.

The Vietnamese have responded positively, and have requested a diplomatic note from Malaysia, which has already been sent by the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Passengers who did not board
Everybody who checked in to flight MH370 boarded the plane.

Four passengers did not show up at check in. They were replaced with four passengers from the standby list. Those passengers boarded. No baggage was offloaded.

Passports used by Iranians
The two men entered and left Malaysia on the same passports.

For more information please contact Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin, Press Secretary to the Prime – March 12, 2014.

* Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein is the Minister of Defense and acting Minister of Transport.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

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