Sunday, February 23, 2014

HARD FACT : BN Government Spent's RM 47 Billion on Subsidies for The Rakyat #Kajang #KLChronicle

The figure above says it all. The government choose to spent RM 46.7 Billion ringgit as a form of subsidy for the rakyat. Look carefully at my sentence above, "the government choose" to spent. Why do i say this? Because the government can decide how they want to spend any money they receive from tax as they like. The government is:

1) Not obliged to spend tax money on the rakyat
2) Not obliged to subsidies the rakyat in any form 

However, taking into consideration the current economy climate, the government has decided to continue with the annual subsidies although it is bleeding the country. Opposition lawmakers such as Anwar Ibrahim, Tony Pua etc has been training their guns at the government deficits but they forget that a bit chunk of the deficit is due to subsidies FOR the rakyat. 

Dalam bahasa melayu, kerajaan berhutang, tapi antara sebab utama kerajaan berhutang adalah kerajaan setiap tahun kerajaan bagi subsidi sebanyak RM 46.7 Billion untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Kalau kerajaan nak melayan puak DAP dan pembangkang ni boleh je. Mulai tahun depan semua subsidi dihapuskan dan insyallah dalam masa tidak sampai lima (5) tahun kerajaan akan perolehan yang positif. 

Jadi rakyat nak yang mana? Kerajaan berhutang dan teruskan subsidi atau kerajaan tidak berhutang dan subsidi dimansuhkan? 

Lagi satu, kerajaan hutang pun bukan kerajaan tak bayar. Setakat hari ni hutang kerajaan semua kerajaan bayar ikut time, macam kita lah bayar kat bank bulan-bulan ikut time dia. Simple. 

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