Saturday, February 8, 2014

Good Riddance, Waytha Moorthy quits as deputy minister #KLChronicle

Reading the news below makes me wonder, P. Ramesh says that HINDRAF wanted to remain loyal to the poor in the community but this is in stark contrast with his earlier statement that the BN government is "dragging in feet" in delivering aid. 

Remaining loyal with the poor with not resolve the problem, being in the government will. Can HINDRAF share with the rakyat how many:

1. Letters or application they have sent to government agencies requesting help for the poor?

2. How many indian students they have helped obtain scholarship ? How many had applied and how many was successful? 

I can go on and on asking HINDRAF what they have done when they were in the government but it will not solve anything.

It will only expose Hindraf/Waytha as a week deputy minister who could not achieve anything, resulted in him resigning from his post and blaming the government and not himself. 


Hindraf controversial and eccentric chairman P. Waytha Moorthy (pic) has resigned as deputy minister, reported The Star.

Quoting Hindraf secretary P. Ramesh, The Star reported that Waytha's resignation as deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department will take effect from Monday.

Ramesh said the central committee had unanimously decided that Waytha resign, as the government had been "dragging its feet" in delivering the aid promised to the Indian community and channeling aid via the MIC and not HINDRAF. 

Ramesh added that Hindraf wanted to remain loyal to the poor in the community.

“We did the most unthinkable - signing a pact with our one-time nemesis, entirely in the interest of the Malaysian Indian poor and in the honest belief that Barisan Nasional will fulfil its promises.

“We have given up hope of that happening, after eight months of trying,” he said. – February 8, 2014.

KLChronice : 

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