Friday, February 7, 2014

Finally @dapmalaysia Admits That @barisanasional Policies Brings Benefit to The Chinese Community #Kajang #KLChronicle

Finally today DAP's Raub Member of Parliament, Former UMNO man Ariff Sabri admitted that the policies of Barisan Nasional has empowered and enriched the Non Malay's. Ariff was being honest with himself where he gave two (2) examples in his article today : 

we have been shouting ketuanan Melayu for so long but the tuans stay in hovels and squatter houses. The non-tuans who are still condemned as immigrants even though they have been here for 5-6 generations live in million-ringgit houses and posh condominiums.

We shout “ketuanan Melayu”, but the tuans find difficulty in getting a piece of land to seek sustenance and make a living. We shout “ketuanan Melayu”, but the tuans remain the poorer section of the community. The tuans earn an average monthly income of RM1200; the non-tuans earn RM 12,000.

My question is, if DAP now can admit that they policies of BN has been good to them, why the Fuck are they then complaining that the government is oppressing them? Right? 

A bad government will not let the minority live in peace and harmony but BN has always been generous to the minority and what have BN receive in return? 

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