Friday, February 21, 2014

[Breaking News] #PKR Now Attacks @khalid_Ibrahim , links him to Tun Daim #Kajang #KLChronicle

Khalid Ibrahim today addressed  speculation over his surprising out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam, saying that he had no links to former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.

News portal Malaysiakini quoted Khalid as saying that those who are speculating that he is now in cahoots with Daim, should pose the question to Daim themselves.

Umno's involvement in the out-of-court settlement arose after it was established that a lawyer linked to the ruling party played a key role in facilitating the settlement between Khalid and Bank Islam.

Controversial PKR’s Kapar MP G. Manivanan today attacked Khalid Ibrahim and also issued a press statement urging Khalid to disclose if the person who brokered the out-of-court settlement is close to Daim, as speculated.

“The people ( PKR MP G Manivanan) who say I’m being used by Daim will need to ask Daim if he’s indeed using me. This is just a lame attempt to smear my image by certain people in the party,,

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