Monday, December 9, 2013

The Castlefield Scandal In Selangor @anilnetto #KLChronicle

People who are part of the problem, not solution

The Castlefield scandal revolves around Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Castlefield which is located in Puchong, Selangor. The reason why we named this article as "The Castlefield Scandal" is to share with our readers of the greed and ridiculous demands being made by the school administration towards Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad.

Now I am sure you guys are thinking what has Prasarana got to do with this story? Well folks the reason Prasarana is also involved in this mess is because Prasana is the owner of the LRT Line Extension from Kelana Jaya to Puchong and unfortunately the LRT line passes through Castlefield.

Due to this, this Castlefield "management" wants compensation.  "Dalam bahasa mudah Castlefield ni sudah mau demand lah dari Prasarana"

Ok now based on what I have gathered from friends, the demands from Castlefield keeps changing and they can't seem to make up their mind on what they want. Ok here are some of the demands:

1. Firstly the management requested for sound barriers so that bila ada kerja tak ganggu student. Ok fair enough no issue. Prasarana pun dah agree.

2. Secondly, dia minta Prasarana pasang aircond satu sekolah. Dah nampak dia punya tamak. Ok Prasarana still agree with this request.

3. Thirdly, dia minta sekolah pula di-relocate ke tempat lain. Nampak tak dia punya game? Prasarana telah bawa isu ini ke kerajaan negeri Selangor dan Kementerian Pendidikan. This demand was too big for Prasarana.

kerajaan negeri Selangor kemudian telah keluarkan arahan tanah boleh diberi di tempat lain untuk Castlefield buat sekolah baru.

Kementerian Pendidikan keluarkan arahan perpindahan sekolah akan dibenarkan jika 100% ibu bapa pelajar bersetuju.

Ok folks here is where the problem is.  Castlefield has about 420 students (plus minus), however 70 of this students don't want to move.  Thus resulting in no relocation can be done.  Senang cakap tak boleh pindah lah sebab bukan 100% setuju.

Discussion between Prasarana dan Castlefield ni dh ongoing nearly 3 tahun. Sementara tu kontraktor tak boleh.masuk buat kerja dan kos semakin meningkat. Kita rakyat (yes you and me) yang bayar cukai nanti kena tanggung project beratus juta ni sebab ada segelintir pihak di Castlefield yang nak demand macam-macam. Mungkinkah ada sesuatu yang dijanjikan kepada management Castlefied untuk melambatkan project LRT ini?

Sementara itu rakyat harus menanggung kos ratusan juta dan tidak dapat menikmati kemudahan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan hanya kerana segelintir pihak yang tamakkan wang ringgit.

Please refer to articles below on the castlefield scandal:

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