Monday, December 2, 2013

The Impact of 15% Increase in Electricity Tariff to Malaysians #KLChronicle

Today Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), a Government Link Company (GLC) announced that the electricity tariff will be increased by about 15% for Peninsular Malaysia, and by about 17% for Sabah and Labuan from next year.

"The average electricity tariff in Peninsular Malaysia will be up 4.99 sen per kWh or 14.89%, from the current average rate of 33.54 sen/kWh to 38.53 sen/kWh.
"For Sabah and Labuan, the average tariff will be up 5.0 sen per kWh or 16.9%, from current average rate of 29.52 sen per kWh to 34.52 sen per kWh," he told reporters at a press conference in Parliament on Monday.
The impact of this increase will be felt by the people of this country, especially the rakyat who are lowly paid and have a lot of financial responsibility that they need to look after every month. Although i am basically a Pro-Establishment person, the steep increase in electricity prices is (for me) totally wrong and unjustifiable. The reason i am saying this is because:
  1. The average increment of Malaysian salaries annually does not reach 10%, except maybe for well funded and highly profitable companies. 
  2. The average increment of Malaysian salaries annually is about 4%-6% annually. This is based on my experience working for the past 5 years. However, the increase in annual base salary is then wiped out by the annual rate of inflation, say about 3%-4% annually. Thus every year our annual salary only increases by 2%-3% !! 
With the above, by increasing the electricity tariff by 15%, the average earner in this country will definitely be burdened by this hike. If there is a person who can convince me that this increase in tariff will not affect the people is either very smart or is just bullshitting his way by not addressing the issue. 

I hope the cabinet and the powers that be look into this matter seriously. The rakyat voted for the government with the pretext of the government "mendahulukan rakyat" and not by burdening the rakyat with increases in commodity prices. There are other ways to increase the government coffers by :
  1. Reducing operating expenditure by merging ministries/agencies that are overlapped with one another. Example let the transport ministry handle all transportation issues in this country and dissolve SPAD which is actually duplicating the job done by transport ministry. 
  2. Stop engaging foreign consultants and paying them millions to come out with blueprints. The problem with these foreign consultant is that they don't have a sense of ownership on what they are doing, they are more interested in making money rather than ensuring the continued growth of this country. Let the ministries and kakitangan kerajaan prepare blueprints. They have enough talent to do it.  
I have a few ideas on how the government can reduce its OPEX and increase its coffers without burdening the rakyat, however i would like to hear from you on what are your suggestion for the government to reduce their OPEX and please don't say stop corruption, that is too general. Be specific and let's share our ideas accordingly. 

1 comment:

  1. Elektrik adalah keperluan asas rakyat. Tetapi, harga tariff elektrik adalah membebankan. Setiap tahun kita boleh saksikan pengerusi Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) bersama CEOnya duduk tersenyum mengumumkan keuntungan yang bernilai berbillion-billion Ringgit Malaysia, seolah-olah mereka sangat pandai menjalankan perniagaan. TNB sepatutnya bertindak sebagai penyedia perkhidmatan yang berkonsepkan rakyat, bukannya syarikat koperat yang mementingkan keuntungan semata-mata. TNB sendiri dimulakan dan didirikan dari wang rakyat, maka sepatutnya rakyat mendapat menafaat dari penubuhan TNB, bukannya sengsara dengan bil dari TNB.
    Rakyat tahu akan kesan Penyedia Kuasa Bebas (IPP) kepada perbelanjaan TNB. Jadi, saya memohon kerajaan kajilah balik perjanjian IPP dengan TNB. Jangan hanya kerana nak jaga kroni-kroni, maka suara kami tidak dipedulikan.
    Saya sangat pelik dengan cara pengurusan TNB ‘menjaga’ paras keuntungan TNB. Dalam perniagaan, secara asasnya, UNTUNG = PENDAPATAN – KOS. Bila saja terdapat kenaikan harga bahan api yang melibatkan KOS, maka secara tak langsung, UNTUNG akan berkurangan. Jadi untuk memelihara margin UNTUNG, maka pengurusan membuat keputusan untuk menaikan paras PENDAPATAN melalui kajian semula tariff. Semudah inikah cara pengurusan TNB? Penat saya setiap kali saya membaca berita pengumuman kenaikan tariff serta alasan-alasan yang diberi bagi menjastifikasikan kenaikan tersebut. Pengurusan TNB sepatutnya kena berfikir dengan lebih jauh seperti melakukan projek-projek inovasi yang bersifat MENAMBAH PENDAPATAN & MENGURANGKAN KOS.
    Secara mudah, TNB tidak akan mengahadapi masalah besar kerana TNB adalah PENYEDIA TUNGGAL dalam perkhidmatan ini. TIADA SAINGAN. Jadi, TNB ambillah untung sekadar yang perlu untuk menampung kos operasi, janganlah pada kadar melampau hingga berbillion-billion Ringgit Malaysia yang akhirnya rakyat yang menerima padahnya.
