Referring to the article produced by The Malaysian Insider [HERE] , we would like to refute the comments made by A. Samad Said. Pak Samad, as he is popularly known is seems more interested in attacking Tun Mahathir personally rather than looking at the bigger picture i.e. the development and progress of the country. In his comments, Pak Samad was quoted as saying:
"Whatever issue there is, he wants to comment. He should learn to end his career as a leader in a respectable manner. It is better to say less, as long as it has substance,"
For us this is against freedom of speech proposed by Pakatan Rakyat & Barisan Nasional leaders all this while. Is Pak Samad advocating limiting the rights of speech of each and every Malaysian ?
On another note, Pak Samad was quoted as saying:
"He (Tun M) should stick to bigger international issues, as for internal issues, leave them to government leaders."
So why is Pak Samad so hell bent on replacing the government with Pakatan Rakyat? The reason Pak Samad is attempting to replace the current government is because of his "love" for the country. This same goes to Tun Mahathir, who has for various times explained that his comments and criticism to the government is for the government to improve.
So what is wrong with that? Pak Samad is being a hypocrite where he and fellow Pakatan Rakyat leaders can criticize the government, but we as normal citizens (Tun M included) have to keep our mouth shut? Come on Pak Samad stop contradicting yourself. You are better than that.
If you want us to shut up, may we also advice you to keep your mouth shut?
Panggil dia Datuk Samad saja lah atau Pak Cik Samad bukan Pak Samad. Dunia kewartawanan dan penulisan kenal seorang Pak Samad saja - Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail. Yang disumbat ISA tiga kali semasa hayatnya.