Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Blatant Inconsistency In Reporting by @tm_insider On The Same Day ! #KLChronicle

An inconsistency in reporting by TMI
I refer to the news report by The Malaysian Insider titled above. The writer of this article apparently is trying to create a rift between the Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister. What is worse, the writer is trying to initiate a negative response from the Rakyat and actually it works if you read the comments section. Nevertheless, we know those Chinese Kiasu's like to blame the government for everything, even if they can't have sex they will blame the government. Referring back to the article, please carefully examine the following statements:

If you look at the statement, the DPM mentioned that:

1. Azizan was a diabetic and this fact is true
2. Had his leg amputated because of it and this fact is also true
3. Diabetes is caused by high sugar intake and this fact is also true.

Now let's look at the health minister remarks and let me show you there is NO INCONSISTENCY !

The Health minister said the following:

1. Diabetic is not a product of just sugar consumption but noted that uncontrolled sugar intake can cause chronic diabetes. So betul lah what the DPM and Health Minister say sugar causes diabetes. Kenapa Malaysian Insider ni bodoh sangat?

You can continue reading the statement by the Health Minister above and point out to me in which statement the DPM and Health Minister disagrees with each other? 

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