Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sila Baca : Cara- cara New York Skin Solution Menipu Pelanggan #KLChronicle

Photo: Cara- cara New York Skin Solution menipu pelanggan.

"..Nak story sket pengalaman temankan my younger sis pegi New York Skincare Solution (NYSS).My lil sis, Nurul gatal tangan sms ke NYSS for free facial trial and free travel kit. So one of NYSS's staff called her and after some chit chatting and after Nurul confirmed with her that there will be no hidden charges or she doesn't have to sign up with any of the packages, that fella sets an appointment for her last friday at NYSS Mid Valley Megamall.

So here goes, when we arrived there around 1 pm, her name wasn't in the appointment list. So that's fine with us as it was a free facial. Owh...lupa nak bagitau, masa tgh tunggu nak fill up forms tu Nurul bagtau yang dia tu student. We realized that staff dkt situ semua buat muka tak puas hati bila dengar she is a student. Berbalik pada cerita tadi. After she fill up the forms and so on and after we were given some explanation which I can assure you semua tu tipu belaka, the FREE FACIAL treatment started. I thought kalau service dia bagus, I myself pun nak sign up for the treatment. Maklumla NYSS kan masuk paper, tv commercials and so on...

As I were waiting for her to finish, aku tengok, bagus la everybody yang dtg for free treatment semua sign up for the package. Aku pun macam kagum, mesti bagus treatment and service dia. Lepas kagum2 tu dan lepas jln2 kat dlm MV, Nurul pun call bagitau dah siap treatment. So aku pun pegi la. Dia cakap best jugakla facial sebab dia pun mmg x penah buat facial, so pada dia dah best gile la. Sementara tunggu turn utk discan balik muka dia tu, aku bisik2 la kat Nurul, gile la semua consultant dia bila keluar je  dari consultation room mesti bwk keluar duit at leats pun RM 50. Yang kitorg ni takde plan pun nak amek package apa2 coz kitorg bwk RM 50 je that day. Bila sampai turn kitorg je dia pun scan muka adik aku balik which I know semua tu tipu gak. Bagi penerangan apa ke jadah semua dan bagitau harga package dia which RM 280 per session! My sister needs 20 sessions to make her face looks beautiful.... Wahhhhh...cuba you guy darabkan RM 280 dgn 20 session. Lepas tu ckpla yg mereka akan bagi mask free which cost RM 90, ultrasound free worth RM 50 and so on sampai ckp 1 treatment sebenarnya berharga RM 500! Tapi kalau sign up sekarang RM 280 je. Padahal benda2 yg dia ckp tu dah masuk dalam RM 280 tu je.

RM 280 x 20 = RM 5 600

Dia minta half for the deposit

RM 5 600 / 2 = RM 2 800

Kitorg ckp la too expensive lagipun Nurul student lagi. So let her discuss with our mum first before we sign up. Consultant tu pun bagi lagi satu package for 10 sessions.

RM 280 x 10 = RM 2 800

Deposit half of it

RM 2 800 / 2 = RM 1 400

Kitorg still refuse to sign up. Sebab kitorg takde duit masa tu! Dia pun panggil la sorg lagi consultant, she introduced herself as CARMEN. Dia pok pek pok pek dgn kitorg. Aku pun dah rasa tak selesa coz tgh marah sgt. Aku takut la bleeding sebab dulu penah sekali aku marah org sampai kuar darah. All I care now is to get out of there. Sebab aku betul2 tak puas hati dgn service yang PAKSA - PAKSA org ni. Carmen tu bagi pakej utk 5 session pulak.

RM 280 x 5 = RM 1 400

Deposit half

RM 1 400/2 = RM 700

Kitorg refuse lagi. I stressed out to them let Nurul discuss with our mum first! And then ckp dkt sini kitorg ada rules & regulations. Semua customer who come for free trial MUST sign up for their package! Nurul cakap, your consultant tak cakap pun masa telefon because she already asked about that! Aku lagi angin bila dengar. Aku cakap kitorg x nak sign up apa2 pun. Then CARMEN tu keluar, masuk sorg lagi. Tak reti nak introduce diri sendiri terus attack my sis and I. She said something like this,

"Siapa yang buat facial tadi? You?" she pointed at me. Aku geleng and ponited to Nurul. She said " You?" Nurul angguk. " Then I will talk to you only. I won't talk to you. You can keep quiet" sambil tangan dia suruh aku diam. Kurang ajar punya org. Dia pok pek pok pek to my sis and reduce the package to 3 session dengan home product which kitorg tau yg dia akan suruh tambah lagi session and pay another price for the product sooner or later. Talking about tactics...

RM 280 x 3 = RM 840

Half of it

RM 840 / 2 = RM 420

Kitorg still refuse sebab kitorg memang TAK NAK! Plus TAK ADA DUIT! My sis cakap kalau bayar monthly maybe dia mampu but with the unreasonable price memang dia tau dia tak mampu. Sekali treatment pun tak mampu. Elaun dia belajar RM 600 sebulan sebab dia nursing student, buku2 lagi and ada few lagi yuran2 nak kena bayar end of this month lagi. She explained to them. And then boleh minah tu cakap, "You pakai akaun apa?" "Maybank" Nurul answered."Then kita boleh deduct from account for deposit". Nurul cakap dalam akaun dia ada RM 50 je. Minah Cina tu ckp "You bayar RM 50 dulu la. Lepas tu you discuss dgn mama you, bayar balance la. You cakap dgn I you ingat your mama akan bagi you buat treatment ka dgn harga mcm ni. I guarantee la your mom takkan bagi". Celaka.

Ini boleh mendatangkan marah. RM 50 adik aku tu pun dia nak kebas.

Aku cakap "kitorg tak minat nak ambil package you. Plus kalau I ada duit skrg ni pun. I won't pay for her here. I rather pay for her at DermaGenesis or Klinik Ayu Jelita. I have experiance pegi buat face and body treatment. You name it. TCA, Pixel, MDB, Lipo semua I pernah try before I got married".

"Parent you bayar ke abg you yg bayar? Kalau pernah buat kenapa muka you tak cantik? Kenapa badan you gemuk?" she said.

Aku balas balik "This is because I'm pregnant!".

Dgn sinisnya dia cakap "You pregnant before you kawin?".

Aku balas "Don't be ridiculous. Of course I'm married. I gemuk because I'm pregnant. I look like this because I'm pregnant. I've got pimples because of my hormones. Everything I buat before I got married. For the wedding. I pergi 2 tempat tu, consultant sana beri masa utk discuss with parent and to think about it. And guess what my parent agreed. So I don't think my parent are so typical about this. Plus the price lebih reasonable and result guaranteed. Dengan you setakat facial treatment, sampai RM 50 pun nak kebas".

Masa tu aku dah pegang perut coz it hurts a little bit. Minah cina tu tanya lagi "You pegi mana?". " DermaGenesis and Ayu Jelita" I replied. Dia tak mau mengalah jugak "Then why don't you bring her there?" " I will. I like the service + the treatment. Kat sana takde PAKSA - PAKSA punye service. Affordable". Dia senyap. "Okay la. you balik discuss wth your mama. Esok you datang bawa your mama. I bagi your mama free facial. Tapi your mom je. Your sister tak boleh" she pointed at me again!

"Okay" my sis replied walaupun dalam hati dah berjanji takkan jejakkan kaki kat dalam New York Skincare Solution lagi. Dengan penuh sakit hati aku berkata dalam hati "I wouldn't recommend you to my friends. Your service sucks!" Kitorg keluar dari premis dia dgn tangan kosong. Mana ada dapat free travel kit tu. Penipu! Walaupun kitorg tau, kitorg MESTI kena kutuk dengan diorg. We don't care. At least kitorg boleh sebarkan kat org lain mcm mana diorg ni menipu pelanggan."

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Copy Paste dari pinksakuramama.blogspot.com

"..Nak story sket pengalaman temankan my younger sis pegi New York Skincare Solution (NYSS).My lil sis, Nurul gatal tangan sms ke NYSS for free facial trial and free travel kit. So one of NYSS's staff called her and after some chit chatting and after Nurul confirmed with her that there will be no hidden charges or she doesn't have to sign up with any of the packages, that fella sets an appointment for her last friday at NYSS Mid Valley Megamall.

So here goes, when we arrived there around 1 pm, her name wasn't in the appointment list. So that's fine with us as it was a free facial. Owh...lupa nak bagitau, masa tgh tunggu nak fill up forms tu Nurul bagtau yang dia tu student. We realized that staff dkt situ semua buat muka tak puas hati bila dengar she is a student. Berbalik pada cerita tadi. After she fill up the forms and so on and after we were given some explanation which I can assure you semua tu tipu belaka, the FREE FACIAL treatment started. I thought kalau service dia bagus, I myself pun nak sign up for the treatment. Maklumla NYSS kan masuk paper, tv commercials and so on...

As I were waiting for her to finish, aku tengok, bagus la everybody yang dtg for free treatment semua sign up for the package. Aku pun macam kagum, mesti bagus treatment and service dia. Lepas kagum2 tu dan lepas jln2 kat dlm MV, Nurul pun call bagitau dah siap treatment. So aku pun pegi la. Dia cakap best jugakla facial sebab dia pun mmg x penah buat facial, so pada dia dah best gile la. Sementara tunggu turn utk discan balik muka dia tu, aku bisik2 la kat Nurul, gile la semua consultant dia bila keluar je dari consultation room mesti bwk keluar duit at leats pun RM 50. Yang kitorg ni takde plan pun nak amek package apa2 coz kitorg bwk RM 50 je that day. Bila sampai turn kitorg je dia pun scan muka adik aku balik which I know semua tu tipu gak. Bagi penerangan apa ke jadah semua dan bagitau harga package dia which RM 280 per session! My sister needs 20 sessions to make her face looks beautiful.... Wahhhhh...cuba you guy darabkan RM 280 dgn 20 session. Lepas tu ckpla yg mereka akan bagi mask free which cost RM 90, ultrasound free worth RM 50 and so on sampai ckp 1 treatment sebenarnya berharga RM 500! Tapi kalau sign up sekarang RM 280 je. Padahal benda2 yg dia ckp tu dah masuk dalam RM 280 tu je.

RM 280 x 20 = RM 5 600

Dia minta half for the deposit

RM 5 600 / 2 = RM 2 800

Kitorg ckp la too expensive lagipun Nurul student lagi. So let her discuss with our mum first before we sign up. Consultant tu pun bagi lagi satu package for 10 sessions.

RM 280 x 10 = RM 2 800

Deposit half of it

RM 2 800 / 2 = RM 1 400

Kitorg still refuse to sign up. Sebab kitorg takde duit masa tu! Dia pun panggil la sorg lagi consultant, she introduced herself as CARMEN. Dia pok pek pok pek dgn kitorg. Aku pun dah rasa tak selesa coz tgh marah sgt. Aku takut la bleeding sebab dulu penah sekali aku marah org sampai kuar darah. All I care now is to get out of there. Sebab aku betul2 tak puas hati dgn service yang PAKSA - PAKSA org ni. Carmen tu bagi pakej utk 5 session pulak.

RM 280 x 5 = RM 1 400

Deposit half

RM 1 400/2 = RM 700

Kitorg refuse lagi. I stressed out to them let Nurul discuss with our mum first! And then ckp dkt sini kitorg ada rules & regulations. Semua customer who come for free trial MUST sign up for their package! Nurul cakap, your consultant tak cakap pun masa telefon because she already asked about that! Aku lagi angin bila dengar. Aku cakap kitorg x nak sign up apa2 pun. Then CARMEN tu keluar, masuk sorg lagi. Tak reti nak introduce diri sendiri terus attack my sis and I. She said something like this,

"Siapa yang buat facial tadi? You?" she pointed at me. Aku geleng and ponited to Nurul. She said " You?" Nurul angguk. " Then I will talk to you only. I won't talk to you. You can keep quiet" sambil tangan dia suruh aku diam. Kurang ajar punya org. Dia pok pek pok pek to my sis and reduce the package to 3 session dengan home product which kitorg tau yg dia akan suruh tambah lagi session and pay another price for the product sooner or later. Talking about tactics...

RM 280 x 3 = RM 840

Half of it

RM 840 / 2 = RM 420

Kitorg still refuse sebab kitorg memang TAK NAK! Plus TAK ADA DUIT! My sis cakap kalau bayar monthly maybe dia mampu but with the unreasonable price memang dia tau dia tak mampu. Sekali treatment pun tak mampu. Elaun dia belajar RM 600 sebulan sebab dia nursing student, buku2 lagi and ada few lagi yuran2 nak kena bayar end of this month lagi. She explained to them. And then boleh minah tu cakap, "You pakai akaun apa?" "Maybank" Nurul answered."Then kita boleh deduct from account for deposit". Nurul cakap dalam akaun dia ada RM 50 je. Minah Cina tu ckp "You bayar RM 50 dulu la. Lepas tu you discuss dgn mama you, bayar balance la. You cakap dgn I you ingat your mama akan bagi you buat treatment ka dgn harga mcm ni. I guarantee la your mom takkan bagi". Celaka.

Ini boleh mendatangkan marah. RM 50 adik aku tu pun dia nak kebas.

Aku cakap "kitorg tak minat nak ambil package you. Plus kalau I ada duit skrg ni pun. I won't pay for her here. I rather pay for her at DermaGenesis or Klinik Ayu Jelita. I have experiance pegi buat face and body treatment. You name it. TCA, Pixel, MDB, Lipo semua I pernah try before I got married".

"Parent you bayar ke abg you yg bayar? Kalau pernah buat kenapa muka you tak cantik? Kenapa badan you gemuk?" she said.

Aku balas balik "This is because I'm pregnant!".

Dgn sinisnya dia cakap "You pregnant before you kawin?".

Aku balas "Don't be ridiculous. Of course I'm married. I gemuk because I'm pregnant. I look like this because I'm pregnant. I've got pimples because of my hormones. Everything I buat before I got married. For the wedding. I pergi 2 tempat tu, consultant sana beri masa utk discuss with parent and to think about it. And guess what my parent agreed. So I don't think my parent are so typical about this. Plus the price lebih reasonable and result guaranteed. Dengan you setakat facial treatment, sampai RM 50 pun nak kebas".

Masa tu aku dah pegang perut coz it hurts a little bit. Minah cina tu tanya lagi "You pegi mana?". " DermaGenesis and Ayu Jelita" I replied. Dia tak mau mengalah jugak "Then why don't you bring her there?" " I will. I like the service + the treatment. Kat sana takde PAKSA - PAKSA punye service. Affordable". Dia senyap. "Okay la. you balik discuss wth your mama. Esok you datang bawa your mama. I bagi your mama free facial. Tapi your mom je. Your sister tak boleh" she pointed at me again!

"Okay" my sis replied walaupun dalam hati dah berjanji takkan jejakkan kaki kat dalam New York Skincare Solution lagi. Dengan penuh sakit hati aku berkata dalam hati "I wouldn't recommend you to my friends. Your service sucks!" Kitorg keluar dari premis dia dgn tangan kosong. Mana ada dapat free travel kit tu. Penipu! Walaupun kitorg tau, kitorg MESTI kena kutuk dengan diorg. We don't care. At least kitorg boleh sebarkan kat org lain mcm mana diorg ni menipu pelanggan."

SUMBER : pinksakuramama.blogspot.com


  1. Dah agak dah ...memang penipu cina cina ni ....sebarkan ...I will put ur link dalam fb I ...

  2. NYSS ni memang penipu. cina kafir bukan tau cari rezeki halal. depa bukan kira. bisnes diaorang memang kikis duit pelanggan. aku ni mangsa keadaan. yang nak di pulih lain alih2 tinggal parut kekal kat bawah mata aku ni padan muka. sedangkan masalah yang ada tak reduse pun. duit beribu habis. kalau mak aku tau memang mati aku kena. 5k just basic facial belum focus lagi masalah kulit kita. cream tu cream ni. mesin lagi. sedangkan harga cream tu member aku dah chek dekat internet murah je. bila kat NYSS mahal nak giler. nak stop sikit punya susah. dah habis pakej yang diambil diaorang suruh ambil lagi. aku terpaksa tipu kata aku kena transfer ke langkawi baru boleh aku berhenti. itu pun macam2 idea la depa gebang bagi kita sambung any treatment yang dah kita ambil tapi dah habis. apa yang penulis ni cakap memang betul. so pada yang lain tak payah gatal la nak sms diaorang. kalau betul ada masalah kulit cari la pakar kulit bertauliah,yang memang ada kemahiran tentang treatment, mesin dan segala cream yang digunakan. insyaAllah akan pulih. tapi benda2 cam ni tak ada yang harga puluhan ringgit semua main ribu riban. tepuk dada Tanya selera.
