KL CHRONICLE: SPAD Shall Buck Up, or Hamid Albar Shipped Out for Gross Incompetency #1Malaysia @SPADChannel @aduanSPAD @SPADnews #KLChronicle

Thursday, August 1, 2013

SPAD Shall Buck Up, or Hamid Albar Shipped Out for Gross Incompetency #1Malaysia @SPADChannel @aduanSPAD @SPADnews #KLChronicle

Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar had previously provided guarantees & assurance to the rakyat that the number of bus for this coming Hari Raya Aidilfitri will be sufficient.  He had also asked for the rakyat to not be restless as SPAD will ensure additional buses if the need arises to cater for rising demand during the holiday period. 

In addition, SPAD has informed the members of the rakyat through various media sources that they have issued temporary Lesen Perubahan Sementara (LPS) to individual bus operators to cater for the increase in passengers. The destination for LPS buses is throughout the country, especially the east cost of Kelantan and Terengganu. It was also publicized that the validity of the LPS license is 7 days BEFORE Hari Raya and 8 days AFTER Hari Raya. This was mentioned by Hamid Albar himself. 

Well, this is good news and i would like to congratulate Hamid Albar for continuing with the SAME policy every year. However.. now i have a problem with Hamid Albar and his advisors/ CON - sultants. 

Selling of tickets

Look, have Hamid Albar and his band of gangs no nothing of the suffering that the rakyat face EVERY YEAR when they balik kampung? The problem that the rakyat face is the selling of bas tickets by touts, makna nya penjualan tiket oleh ulat - ulat tiket lah. Tapi like usual la SPAD "buat bodoh" and no action is taken. Have Hamid Albar paid a visit to Puduraya and see what are his officers doing? Takat duduk dalam aircond boleh la cakap banyak..

Ticket price 

How come in Malaysia, a progressive country the price of tickets are not consistent from one operator to another? for example just go to Jalan Duta and buy a ticket to Parit Buntar from Transnasional and Jelita Express, you would notice that the price are different. Now people are asking what is SPAD doing? Tidur ke? 

Express bus condition

Helo Hamid Albar, have you ever sit in a bus before? Look at all the cases this past years on people who were CHEATED in buying EXPENSIVE tickets but the buses are horrible and like crap. Where is SPAD in this? Does SPAD not check the buses or its operators before giving the the LPS license?

There is just too much nonsense going on with SPAD now that i really hope they buck up, if not Syed Hamid Albar please RESIGN ! 


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