KL CHRONICLE: Such Is Malaysian Politics by Raja Petra Kamarudin

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Such Is Malaysian Politics by Raja Petra Kamarudin

Pakatan Rakyat says that the Malaysian courts are not impartial and work for the government while Malaysian judges are slime-balls and scumbags and corrupted to the core. Hence we cannot trust the Malaysian judicial system or Malaysian judges.
However, Pakatan Rakyat is pushing for a retired judge to be appointed the new Parliament Speaker. This appears to be a contradiction to the statement that we cannot trust Malaysian judges farther than we can throw them.

We also see Pakatan Rakyat working closely with many retired police and military officers when at one time they alleged that the Malaysian police and military are tools of the government.
Furthermore, we see Pakatan Rakyat singing the praises of some members of the royal family who were once vilified as leeches but now that they support the opposition they are revered. Some were even given seats to contest in the recent general election.
This is certainly a very interesting turn of events. I bet if some of those ‘corrupt and evil people’ from Barisan Nasional decide to cross over to Pakatan Rakyat they would instantly be forgiven for their crimes and would be welcomed to the opposition ranks with open arms and with much pomp and revelry.
Such is Malaysian politics. You can be transformed from Satan to Christ by just walking a few paces from the government aisle to the opposition aisle. You need not even return all the money you stole when you were in power.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should take note of this. If he suspects that Barisan Nasional is going to fall and that Pakatan Rakyat is about to take over all he needs to do is to endorse Anwar Ibrahim for Prime Minister and Lim Kit Siang for Deputy Prime Minister and he will be hailed as the greatest Prime Minister Malaysia ever had.
Such is Malaysian politics.

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