Saturday, January 5, 2013

[FLASHBACK] The Separation of Malay Political Power

Dear all,

Most of you must have realized that post March-8 2008, the Malay political power has been reduced significantly. I say this because now, where previously most of the rights of the Malays were never questioned, today it is being questioned by DAP freely. Basic rights of the Malays such as scholarships, business loans, enrollment into universities are being questioned.People will ask me, don't the non-Malays deserve all this as well. Well they do, but not at the expense of the Malays. 

Today, we have a Prime Minister who is a Malay and a Muslim. But if things are going like how it is now, maybe in a few years time, we will have Lim Guan Eng as Malaysia's prime minister,that is if he converts to a Muslim. Raja Petra is talking about abolishing the monarchy and creating a republic, i haven't heard any response from either UMNO or the Malays regarding this issue.

Furthermore, Dr. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah is coming in for a lot of criticism from the DAP for his racist remarks in Utusan Melayu. Why they are not many people defending Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah?Are his views so racist that even the Malays are not interested in defending him?In the current political climate, it seems that UMNO can be criticized like hell but DAP can't. Anything that is being said about DAP will turn UMNO into a racist party. Why don't the Malays realized that DAP is a bloody racist party that wants to destroy the Malay's political power base.

The best way to do that is by separating the Malays into 2 entities. 1 entity is aligned to UMNO and the other is with PAS/PKR. By breaking the Malay's into 2, criticizing MCA as being a puppet of UMNO, DAP is fighting that it is the sole body that represents the Chinese specifically and Malaysian in general. Talk about cronyism, why is the Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng, who is the son of Lim Kit Siang. Is there no any other DAP members who are capable of leading Penang?

This article is just based on my frustration and observation of the current political climate in the country. If the Malays could unite and be one, nobody can break us apart. But i think its just wishful thinking and it will never happen. I hope i'm wrong and one day we can truly see a united Malay race in this country.

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