Monday, December 3, 2012


Malaysians should not experiment with the country's leadership by changing regimes at the next election as voting in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal opposition will lead to destruction in the long run, a former DAP national leader has warned.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim was reported by Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia as saying the attempts by a group calling for a change in government regime was dangerous and could backfire, as he weighed in on a previous remark by Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim.

"If really love our country's peace and unity, don't misstep and give the mandate to the party that only thirsts for power and political interest.

"Don't ever let the opposition play havoc with this country," he told the Malay newspaper in a report published today.

The former DAP deputy chairman who quit the secular party in May after clashing with party leaders over the Bersih electoral reform rally on April 28 has been highly vocal and critical towards the opposition PR especially the DAP, since his departure.

He appeared to continue his tirade against the PR pact, highlighting the loose opposition alliance was only interested in grabbing power and was still squabbling on their choice of prime minister and other Cabinet positions should they win the mandate at the 13th general elections that must be called by next April.

He claimed that the pact had not introduced any kind of reform, even in the states they had wrest from the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal coalition in Election 2008.

"Think, what form of transformation and development have the opposition done in four years ruling other than what has been done by the government previously?

"Among the 'great' things they have brought since governing a few states are only illegal demonstrations that end in violence, firing up the sentiments of Malaysians in all matters, allowing the interference of foreign nations and the politics of hate apart from taking praise for the Barisan Nasional's efforts," he told Utusan Malaysia.

"Malaysia is a complex country that is difficult to administer because it is populated by diverse races and backgrounds, what experience do they have other than criticising the government for 50 years," he said.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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