Friday, December 14, 2012

@limkitsiang and @cmlimguaneng WILL NEVER ALLOW A MALAY OR INDIAN TO RULE DAP, RACIST?

The pressure is on for the DAP to have more Malays and Indians in the party’s leadership line-up in its convention which begins Friday.

The people who are putting the pressure on Lim Kit Siang and his son Lim Guan Eng are none other than the disgruntled, sidelined and often marginalized  Malays and Indians leaders in the party. These leaders, who has work so hard for Kit Siang and his son feels that their contribution is not appreciated by the duo, and post 2008, they feel that DAP has become more Chinese oriented, giving favorable positions to cronies such as Teresa Kok (who holds seven (7) position in the party, state and national level)
Next TPM

The truth  is  very simple, as mentioned by this marginalized Malay and Indian leaders which is, DAP is a Chinese party and its philosophies and ideologies are chauvinistic – Malaysian Malaysia in public announcements, but in truth the power & influential positions must be with  the Chinese.

The party (DAP) has been surviving on Chinese support since the separation of Singapore from Malaysia (Previously it was PAP) and Chinese agenda while the Malays and Indians in the party are just ‘exhibits’ to attract votes of the respective communities, nothing more.
DAP agenda is known to every Malaysian which is to champion the Chinese cause and no more and no less – while sharing PKR’s agenda in bringing down the Muslims.  To them,   bringing down Barisan Nasional (BN) also means reducing the Muslim power base from the ruling party. 

And when these Malays and Indians in DAP urge the party to have more Malays and Indians in the leadership line-up, the party supremo Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng were actually laughing their hearts out.

To them, these Malay Indian leaders are just ‘pets’ not worth taking them seriously as they can only bark…they cannot bite…after all the party is not owned by them (the Malays and Indians)

DAP is only interested in weakening the Malay rule, weakening the Malay institution and weakening the Malay influence, why should the party be bothered with other than these agendas.

So what say you?

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