Sunday, September 16, 2012

@mediaumno : [VIDEO] @saifnasution MASIHKAH KAU INGAT ?

Pudin, masih kah kau ingat, kenyataan @anwaribrahim berkenaan 16 September dan penukaran kerajaan? Sudah - sudah lah tu dok tipu rakyat dalam twitter. The fact is that you guys lied to the public, made the country unstable and caused loss of income because no investors would want to invest in an unstable government.

Jadi, dari dok sibuk twit dalam twitter benda - benda x betul, just mengaku that @anwaribrahim failed to get the numbers. Stop blaming UMNO for everthing. Orang pun dah naik bosan. If you are a good opposition, you will come out with ways to enhanced the capability of the states you are running. not blaming it on all on the GOM. That just shows you people ni memang tak tahu macam mana nak mentadbir. 

By the way, jangan lupa tanya abg khalid MB selangor kes lori sampah kenapa bg syarikat Kroni RM 2 Juta dan kenapa UNISEL rugi 54.8 juta?  Jangan buat bodoh pulak..kami nak tahu mana duit cukai rakyat pegi. 

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