Friday, June 1, 2012


Where is your transparency @cmlimguaneng?
Referring to a small piece in TheSun today (page 09, Briefs) i am utterly disgust with the attitude and behavior of the Penang government under the Chinese Mafia of DAP. The Chief Minister, with all his talk of freedom of speech, human rights and what not, has again showed his shallowness and arrogance by barring Utusan and NST journalist from covering an enforcement operations and subsequent press conference organized by the Northeast District Health Office and Penang Island Municipal Council in Batu Ferringhi.

Muka bukan main berlagak
To further show their arrogance and blatant abuse of power, council public health committee chairman Ong Ah Teong apologised that the conference would not begin if journalist from the two papers were present. I am really taken aback by this Chinese person, who as a council chairman acts like he is one powerful man in Penang. 

To the Malays, my point is very simple, if this people, with such small positions is able to bar journalist, curtail your freedom of information, i shudder to think what would happen if they rule the country. 

I wonder also, how did this so called chairman could issue such instructions? was this instruction came direct from the council chairman or the CM office? 

Talk about C.A.T ( 1 of it is transparency) but in the end barring journalist from your events? 

Bloody liars!

Baru dapat kuasa sikit dah tunjuk bagus dan bongkak. 

BB Pin : 23AAD329


  1. Salah org Melayu jugak yang konon2nya UMNO tu korup sgt jd nak ler tunjuk hebat pangkah puak PR dulu. Akhirnya yg merana org Melayu sendiri kat sana. Tak kira org UMNO ke org PAS atau PKR. Yg aku pelik pulak org2 Melayu PR ni bkn main bangga dgn DAP sedangkan pada pandangan mata dia org, Melayu tu dia buat mcm sampah jer.

    Kenapa la mereka ni terlalu bodoh sgt sampai tak sedar2 lagi yg DAP tak akan bagi muka kat dia org(melayu PAS&PKR). Apa dia org ingat LGE ni suka ke dgn org ni. Adoi..btl2 Melayu PAS&PKR ni SANGAT BODOH.

  2. Utusan and NST has long been the mouthpiece of UMNO, full of hatred and lies thus it is not even called a newspaper. When you criticize Guan Eng, you got to check on yourself first. Why would you want to discuss about press freedom when the BN government does not practise that? Also, newspapers should report about facts, not personal attacks based on emotions and anger just like Awang Selamat. Guan Eng already had given them many chances. What a BLOODY HELL OF A HYPOCRITE.
