Saturday, May 5, 2012


The DAP is now pointing fingers at RapidKL for allegedly being among the “biggest culprits” that aggravated last week’s Bersih 3.0 chaos, demanding today its reason for halting train services during the height of the event. 
Last Saturday, train stations near Dataran Merdeka were shut down for a few hours when the peaceful Bersih sit-in protest turned chaotic after protesters breached the barricade at the square. 
“The question must be asked why the top management of RapidKL order the key Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations to be closed?” said Pua 
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP said that it resulted in “tens of thousands of Malaysians who had wanted to disperse peacefully and quickly...in an orderly manner” to be “trapped”. 
“The closure of the stations made these peaceful rally participants sitting ducks facing the full force of teargas and water cannons from the police,” he added. 
Pua also said that were “many reports of police brutality” where Bersih supporters “alleged that they were picked from the LRT stations, taken away and beaten up in the alleyways.” 
Pua called RapidKL’s decision an “irresponsible” and “reckless” act “as it threatened the safety of the participants.” 
The closing of LRT stations was a “police decision as to ensure the majority is safe”, said RapidKLon the social network site Twitter. 
Pua asked the police to confirm if they had given such instructions and whether the reason was to prevent the people from dispersing peacefully. 
“We call upon Suhakam to summon RapidKL top management to explain their actions and investigate the likely collusion between RapidKL with the police.” 
The LRT stations that were shut down are Masjid Jamek, Pasar Seni, Dang Wangi on the Kelana Jaya Line. 
RapidKL had also said on Twitter that the LRT stations Plaza Rakyat, Masjid Jamek, Bandaraya, Sultan Ismail on the Ampang Line was closed last Saturday.
It is very hard for me to decide whether Tony Pua is a total fool, or a very good politician. Looking at his statement that Rapid KL was to be blamed for the Bersih 3.0 debacle is very stupid. First of all, let's look at his statement:
“The question must be asked why the top management of RapidKL order the key Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations to be closed?”
My reply is this, it has to be remembered that according to these opposition leaders, the turn out for Bersih 3.0 was 200,000 ( i doubt it very much), with these huge figures there is no way the LRT line could cope and hence, the closure. Remember the last time a huge crowd gathered in Jalan Duta for Anwar's trial, three (3) home made bombs went off and luckily nobody got hurt. If a bomb had gone off in one of the trains, would Tony Pua take full responsibility? Anwar and Azmin was talking about another Tahrir square and we all know what happened in Egypt then and even now. 
“The closure of the stations made these peaceful rally participants sitting ducks facing the full force of teargas and water cannons from the police,” he added. 
The rally participants were fully aware of what they were walking themselves into, are you telling me the so called 200,000 people who went for the rally did not know the risk they were taking? Some of you have written that as soon as Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali took centre stage, the real cause of the rally was lost and it became an Opposition orchestrated demonstration. Let's look into Tony's third statement:
“We call upon Suhakam to summon RapidKL top management to explain their actions and investigate the likely collusion between RapidKL with the police.” 
Ha ha, now he want's Suhakam to investigate the collusion between Rapid KL and the police. Come on, the main reason Tony is making such a big fuss is because he wants to divert the attention of the fallout from the Bersih rally away from the opposition. The modus operandi for this is very easy, blame everything on the government, and portray the opposition as the "angel and guardians" of the country. 
However tony, sorry but it's not going to work. Malaysian's are not as stupid as you think we are. 

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