Friday, May 18, 2012


When PAS realize that they are stuck and left behind in the opposition, they begin to rekindle with the issues of hudud, Islamic nation and muzakarah with UMNO. This is always happen when PAS is in trouble and when they receive less support from the rakyat in general, and the Malays in particular. And now, not just that they are losing support, their position in Pakatan Rakyat is getting smaller and smaller by the day. However i dont give a damn on what is going on with PAS, but i would like to focus on the issue of muzakarah.

Although Nik Aziz yesterday said, "I am prepared to have a muzakarah with anyone, including UMNO."

I do not think UMNO should reciprocate the offer. Sorry DPM, i have to disagree with you this time.

The funny thing is that, now PAS has realized that it is very weak and to maintain its relevance in the current political climate, it has to engage with a bigger party like UMNO. Looking at PAS today, who would want to muzakarah with PAS? MIC, MCA and PPP?

Only UMNO would want to work with PAS. DAP and PKR would definitely be out of the equation because their cooperation with PAS did not even went through with any muzakarah. The question that i have is aren't PAS ashamed in asking for muzakarah with UMNO considering all the bad things that they have said to UMNO previously? To be exact since post 2008. 

Where is their dignity? A few days back, Hadi Awang also said the same thing, but it cannot be taken because he is not PAS's true leader, Nik Aziz is. Now it is clear why Anwar really wanted to take over PAS. Turns out, Anwar is scared that the muzakarah might turn to reality and that Pakatan Rakyat would lose PAS. Obviously, when muzakarah is held, talks on politics and power would be held.

This is what Anwar would like to avoid. Even how low PAS is to be compared to UMNO now, PAS still has a minimal support of the malays compared to DAP and PKR who only depend on Chinese votes. Thus, UMNO should avoid themselves from being trapped with PAS's stupid game.

This muzakarah deal is just another agenda that might have bad intentions. Whatever it is, it would only provide benefit to PAS and it would only give a bit of moral advantage to BN and UMNO. What PAS really want is not to unite. What they want are benefits from cooperating with UMNO.

If their demands are not fulfilled, PAS would leave in no time. They would not even care of what they have agreed upon, as long as they get what they want. That is PAS. Even when they are working alongside PKR and DAP, they still have the guts to suggest that they want to have a muzakarah with UMNO, is there any guarantee that history would not repeat itself if the muzakarah is realized like how it was in the 70s?


  1. Why all of a sudden TGNA agrees to a consultation on Islam between PAS and UMNO?
    Many who have known Nik Aziz’s adamant stance that there will be no cooperation between PAS and UMNO in politics, yet Nik Aziz is ready for any discussion on Islam but with conditions. He also added that this discussion is also extended to all parties and NGOs, not only UMNO.
    Could Nik Aziz have mellowed out of age and even forgotten about his stance? Please do not get him wrong, Nik Aziz is saying about different things. First is just a discussion about Islam to clarify the differences and to point out where UMNO is wrong in its view and understanding of Islam. UMNO may view that corruption is acceptable in Islam since it has been involved in corruption for five decades and UMNO is not doing anything about it. The corrupt in UMNO got off almost scot-free.
    Secondly Nik Aziz has set certain conditions to gauge the sincerity of UMNO; therefore when these conditions could not be met by UMNO, there offer is null and void. UMNO will never accept any condition as it sees itself as the big boss and Malaysia belongs to UMNO and it can do whatever its likes with Malaysia. So who is Nik Aziz who dares to put conditions?
    Thirdly, Nik Aziz is telling UMNO that UMNO must abandon its partnership with the BN component party members and seek new alliance with PR. UMNO should accept PAS, DAP,PKR and join PR and agree to the terms and conditions set by PR in facing the GE-13.
    UMNO must be ready to accept that it be relegated to a minor component in PR. Nik Aziz knew all along that UMNO can never be trusted and the proposed consultation will not materialize; not until UMNO changes from its corrupt and racist ways to the ones acceptable by the right minded rakyat.
    Based on the lukewarm response from UMNO; it is not really interested because TGNA is just teasing.

  2. Please forward this where RAKYAT could access to this comment. Thank you for your kind help.

    Rakyat’s Expectation to Govt ?

    POLITICIANS, Govt or oppostions the obj is power,persoanl gain? Cronysim & Nepotism? RAKYAT pays the price!
    Today most of RAKAT hardly fullfill their monthly needs! WHAT need another 55 yrs to soundle RAKYAT’S money !.
    The income gap is from hunders to hunderds of thousands of ringgit a month !


    Tak habis2 isu agama,propaganda2,ceremah2politik,perhimpuanan2, guna nama parti, nama pemimpin utk mempolitikan agenda masing2, mempermainkan & memperbodohkan rakyat BAHAN POLITIK SEJAK 55 THN, menghasut pemikiran stp rakyat, guna taktik NORTH KOREA, pemimpin, menteri2, & ahli2 politik, nampaknya berjaya mempengaruhi RAKYAT! Rakyat spt budak2 beri gula spt kali bersuara! stp kali meningati RAKYAT BAHAWA KERAJAAN TELAH BANYAK MEMBANTU RAKYAT, MAJUKAN NEGARA, ini dah jadi TUGAS KERAJAAN , it’s Govt responsiblity to do so, every govt around the world does that! The MEDIA (Crony) is the govt BRAINWASHING MACHINE for the past 22 yrs.

    PENTING SELESAIKAN MASALAH RAKYAT DULU, Poverty,Economic Decline, Employment, Corruption, Healthcare, Crime, Inflation, Labour issues, Enviroment, & many more. JANGAN jadikan isu2 lain utk tarik perhatian RAKYAT, KHAZANAH NASIONAL,sumber utama kewangan Kerajaan & GLC’S pd 80 an, MANA PERGI KEUNTUNGAN? est Hundreds of Billions of ringgit.KESEDARAAN RAKYAT? It shows perception of RAKYAT towards Govt, ” BUKALAH MINDA ” ! TEPUK DADA TANYA SELERA !

    PERSONAL POLITICAL AGENDA? (Cronyism & Nepotism) High Political Politics Propaganda!

    WhyNEP? PREVILIGES? WhyPRIVATIZATION? WhyPNB? WhyASB? Why GLC? Why Mega Projects? Why few is multimillionaires & rest still remain poor? Why few selected ones? Why benefits few Malays,Chinese,Indians,Others? Why the rest remain same for past 22yrs? High Div% Mutual Fund = High Inflation, EPF a good retirement plan for RAKYAT? it’s enough? Please no hard feelings, straight to the point! The few enjoys high quality & luxuries life, the rest enjoy What? What it is stated in Mysia Constitution regarding who will enjoy & who don’t? RAKYAT RENUNGKAN, Always Ask Why, ” TEPUK DADA TANYA SELERA” !

    Mysia economy growth5%,6%,7%,8%…., to impress RAKYAT that mysia is better than any other nation? Never trust BNM,MOF.

    The Political Agenda is The Most Intellectual Politics to Convince RAKYAT. Knowldege Most Powefull Weapon for RAKYAT. Again I stress out,the NEEDS, PROBLEM & ISU faced by RAKYAT. RAKYAT is Asset! ” More Public AWARNESS” ! RAKYAT AWARNESS! Don’t be slave to the System ! Terima Buta2 tanpa fikir, the hidden Agenda ! As ordinary rakyat I am doing my part same goes to RAKYAT

