Thursday, March 22, 2012


Two of Nurul Izzah's staff caught impersonating EC officers
On the 20th March 2012, Two (2) youth were caught impersonating Election Commission (EC) staff at PPR Kampung Limau, Lembah Pantai. This was possible when the local community and residence of the PPR became suspicious with the behavior of both these youth and their appearance. One (1) youth had long hair and another was just wearing a pink tshirt and jeans with fake EC tags, a far shot from the well mannered and groomed civil service.

The two (2) PKR youth that were caught

Once being caught by the residence and handed over to the local police officers, the two (2) youth admitted to be employed by Lembah Pantai Member of Parliament, Nurul Izzah to impersonate as EC officers and go from house to house and do survery on PKR chances in the General Election (GE). If my readers are now claiming that this is all a conspiracy by UMNO Federal Territories (FT), please mind your language and read the facts presented here. Nurul Izzah so called political secretary Fahmi Fadzil himself admitted that these two (2) youth are from PKR. Look at the screenshot that was taken from his twitter account:

Fahmi Fadzil acknowledging the two (2) youth are from PKR

This irresponsible action taken by Nurul Izzah, the Vice-President of PKR and so called future Prime Minister is a disgrace and blatant disregard to the laws of this country. How can a so called leader, employ two (2) innocent youth to impersonate as government offices, knowing well that if they were caught definitely they would be investigated and put behind bars for a foreseeable future. Nurul Izzah talks about youth as the driver for future growth, but she himself is exploiting these youths for her own political benefits. Would she be responsible and meet the parents of this youth and apologize for her irresponsible behavior?

What intimidation when your people are impersonating EC offices which is against the law!
Furthermore, I am also disappointed as this action by Nurul Izzah shows that she lacks integrity and is willing to do anything, just like her father Anwar Ibrahim to continue be in power. Of all the crap that is coming out from PKR, Nurul Izzah had looked like a true, Y-Generation leader that was in touch with the youth of this country and destined for a good future in politics. However, I have changed my mind.

On the bright side, this attempt by Nurul Izzah shows that UMNO FT in general, and Lembah Pantai in particular is doing all the right thing and pressing the right buttons. With the implementation of various programs I believe we have captured the hearts and minds of the people of Lembah Pantai. With more work and consistency, we would managed to capture Lembah Pantai from Nurul Izzah. She has lost all credibility with this issue.

I have written earlier of the proxy war between Rafizi Ramli vs Nurul Izzah here, and don’t’ you think that someone is playing such a good game in bringing Nurul Izzah down from PKR and National politics at the same time.?

To contest in Lembah Pantai?
My analysis on how things are going on in Lembah Pantai and with the emerging strength of UMNO LP, Nurul Izzah would not contest in LP and she might move over to Bandar Tun Razak (BTR). BTR would be vacated by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, as I am sure he wants to continue being Menteri Besar (MB) of Selangor (if he can get rid of Azmin Ali).  Well, who will then contest Lembah Pantai, Rafizi Ramli? 


  1. End doesn't justify the means. This only 1 case. Many hidden. Opposition .criticize because they want to win election. Many lies and mispresentation

  2. End doesn't justify the means. This only 1 case. Many hidden. Opposition .criticize because they want to win election. Many lies and mispresentation

  3. hmmmm..good show PR!!!
