Monday, March 19, 2012


I have been looking around the blogs today and what surprised me was that news is going around of a second (2nd) sex video of Malaysia Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim would be exposed soon.

How many more videos of Anwar Ibrahim is out there?
What I am concern is that how many more sex video's of Anwar Ibrahim is available to various party in the country and across the world? It is important to note that if Anwar Ibrahim is the next prime minister of Malaysia, this videos can be used to blackmail Malaysia and the consequence would be that our progress and national security would be at the hands of irresponsible companies or even countries.

Firstly, I know Anwar Ibrahim has been going around the country, even to Europe and the States claiming that he was framed by UMNO and the government of Malaysia regarding his FIRST sex video. Well if he was framed, why hasn't Anwar Ibrahim sued Datuk Trio (Eskay, Thamby Chik and Shuib) for publicly humiliating him?

If he is saying that the courts are not independent, well wasn't he acquitted of sodomizing Saiful Bukhari Azlan by the very courts he is critizing?

Secondly, Husam Musa had previously challenged Datuk T to take a polygraph test to ensure that they were not lying that Anwar Ibrahim was the man in the FIRST sex video. Well Datuk T took the challenge on 1 condition. That Anwar Ibrahim is also to take a polygraph test. Both would take the test live in front of the Malaysian public. Why has Anwar Ibrahim not accepted this challenge? It is just a simple polygraph test.

Thirdly, Datuk T has sweared on the Quran stating that the man in the video is Anwar Ibrahim. If they are lying, they are ready to be punished by Allah swt. Please bear in mind that the swearing was done to tell Malaysians that Datuk T is not lying, if they are, harm will come their way. Therefore, can't Anwar Ibrahim just swear and say that it was not him and if he is lying, he is willing to be punished by Allah swt? Apparently not.

My intention is not to humiliate Anwar Ibrahim. However this are questions that needs to be answered. I am sure the rakyat only wants the truth. In order to get the truth, uncertainties like this needs to be addressed. I hope Anwar Ibrahim will address this uncertainties. 


  1. lucah lagi...mcam tu la hangpa anjing2 umno...

  2. Stop talking nonsense. Do you even know how's Allah's punishment like? Some people talk and swear for the sake of swearing while wise people thinks before committing any statements.

    Taking court action against someone in UMNO or BN is useless. What happened when Mahathir was sued? Nothing. So the point is no point! As long as the ruling is run by BN, nothing is fair justice.

  3. hakikat dan logiknya kehidupan..contohnya DSAI ada kawan baik 10 org, sama mula berjuang demi kedillan..tetapi kemudian semuanya cabut tinggal seorang..logiknya siapakah yg sebenarnya bersalah..? dan kemudian kawan ajak kita test dan bersumpah yg mereka bercakap benar , juga menyuruh DSAI sama jika mereka salah , tak jgk DSAI berani saman mereka ?...dimana logiknya insan maksum DSAI ini..berada disebelah yg benar..kononya berani tegakkan keadilan..tetapi sebenarnya penakut..bila kwn2 baik mencabarnya...!..yg pasti org yg bersalah akan sentiasa mencari alasan dan sering menyalahkan semua benda kepada org lain...dan dalam hidup org mcm ni..apa2 pun kesalahan di letakkan pd org lain...TAKBIR !!!!

  4. tegakkan ISLAM jauhkan mereka dari insan maksum bernama ANEAR IBRAHIM kerana dia Imam Mahdi version ustaz khalwat...hancus bangsa dan agama ku kalau manusia ni hidup berpura2 dan membuat berbagai benda menggunakan agama...sedang mereka mempersendakan agama demi kepentingan mereka sendiri...biar rakyat menghukum mereka di dunia dan Allah menghukum mereka dunia dan akhirat..Ya Allah jika mereka ini munafik , maka Kau tunjukkanlah kebenarannya Ya Allah..hapuskanlah mereka yg bertopengkan Islam dan mempermainkan hukumMu Ya Allah...amin !

  5. ni bukan soal lucah tetapi soal moral pemimpin...sekarang ni ada bukti...kalau tak betul kenapa? 1. Pemimpin tu tak saman orang yang dedahkan...kalau kata undang2 tak adil kenapa pemimpin tu boleh saman Utusan Malaysia... 2. Susah sangat ke nak tunjukkan jam omega tu... sebab dia kata ada dalam simpanannya?...3. Kalaulah ni satu fitnah...ada pendapat ulama tak salah untuk bersumpah... 4. kenapa pemimpin tu tak jawab tentang isu naik dan turun lif dengan Eskay? dll. yang perlu di jelaskan??? Pembangkang juga serang pemimpin BN tapi tanpa ada bukti pun di cakap betul...sekarang ni pemimpin tu ada bukti dan persoalan yang ditanya tidak dijawab..???
