Saturday, February 18, 2012

BR1M Program - SEPUTEH P122

Participant of #BR1M at Seputeh - P122
The BR1M program, second phase was today launched at the Seputeh Parliament area. The program started at 8.00 am with the attendance of all Seputeh Barisan Nasional component party leaders.

This in itself dispel rumours of infighting between BN component parties. However, I would not be going into that today as the success of this program shows that all component parties are working together relentlessly to help the rakyat during the time of economic uncertainty.
Waiting for disbursement of funds

The event was attended by nearly 700 nearby residents who had been identified to meet the minimum BR1M requirement. As I'm writing now, people are happily queuing up to receive their RM500.

I am pleased to note that the government is walking the talk by implementing all promises that was made during the previous budget announcement.

1. The disbursement of book vouchers which has been completed.

2. The disbursement of BR1M, which is now has moved to the 2nd stage.

Of all the empty promises the opposition is making in their 'Buku Jingga', none has been implemented in the 5 states ruled by PR. Anyway that's all for today morning.

Again congratulations to everybody at Seputeh for your hard work and dedication.

Berkhidmat utk rakyat, dan kepada ALLAH swt kami berserah.


P/s: I am comfortable with anybody who copy this article. As my main intention of bloging in the public domain is to disseminate information to the public. Furthermore If you do not want to link it back to my blog its also ok. Thanks

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